Frequently asked questions:

Where does the church meet?

We currently meet in the chapel at Goodman Funeral Home at 1032 W Main St. in Princeton. Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM and Service starts at 10:30 AM each Sunday!

How big is the church?

At our current worship service, we average about 60. We are excited about the sense of community that allows us to have, though we embrace growth and welcoming new people!

How would you describe your worship style?

At Trinity, the music is blended between traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. We use guitar as well as keyboard to enrich our worship time and help people connect with God through song.

Do I have to dress up to come?

Nope, some of our folks are dressier than others. You will fit in well whether you wear a tie or blue jeans or both!

Do I have to belong to your church to attend?

Absolutely not. Trinity is a place for anyone and everyone. We welcome those who are exploring faith or who have been walking with the Lord for a long time.

Who is your pastor?

Pastor John is an ordained Elder in the Global Methodist Church and is a Kentucky native. You can learn more about Pastor John here.

What denomination are you all a part of and what are your distinctive beliefs?

Trinity is a part of the Global Methodist Church, a denomination committed to biblically orthodox Christianity. We teach ‘the whole Bible, for the whole world’ and affirm the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds.

As Global Methodists we believe based on the Scriptures that God calls women as well as men into ministry in every capacity according to their character, gifts, calling and temperament.

Global Methodists seek to revive the spirit, discipline and doctrine of the early Methodist movement and desire to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world.

To read more on our beliefs as well as our governance click here.