Recommended Curriculum for Groups and Classes
Practicing the Way
Dallas Willard once said that the biggest problem in the world today is that many people identify as Christians without becoming disciples of Jesus. Practicing the Way is a non-profit organization that provides a simple yet deeply profound vision for discipleship to Jesus today. The Practicing the Way book and course suggest that a disciple or apprentice to Jesus is someone who organizes their life around the goals of 1. Being with Jesus, 2. Becoming like Jesus and 3. Doing what he would do if he were you.
The Course is an 8-week curriculum which we highly encourage groups to work through. Practicing the Way also has 4-week studies exploring and teaching ancient Spiritual Practices for the modern world.
EH Spirituality and Relationships Course
Too often in church we see people know the Bible and have a lot of knowledge about God yet remain emotionally and spiritually immature. Emotionally Healthy Discipleship is a Discipleship Course that moves people from shallow Christianity to depth in Christ. This 2-semester course on EH Spirituality and EH Relationships focuses on Discipleship that deeply transforms lives in our anxious world.
At Trinity GMC, we highly recommend folks walking through this material with a small group or class. We will have courses from time to time, email Pastor John for more info and or visit the website.
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We aren’t finished yet!